25th March to 29th March

Unit of inquiry

Students revisited all celebrations  through the lens of artefacts and picture cards. They also marked the Hindu festival ‘Holi’ in the calendar and inquired about it through a story.

A Formative assessment on ‘reasons for celebration’ was undertaken where students picked up one picture card or artefact from a mixed pool and gave reasons for celebrating that particular festival.

Through a pairing strategy, students were engaged in an activity where they created a Venn diagram by illustrating how festivals can be celebrated differently.



Take and talk was presented to strengthen communication skills, self-confidence and fluency in the language.


Reinforcement of ‘at, an, ap, ab, am and ag’ family CVC words was undertaken through an activity where students identified the pictures and wrote corresponding CVC words in their process journals.

Reinforcement of sight words was achieved with the use of flash cards.



‘Missing numbers’concept was reinforced with online games:



Students were encouraged to explore objects like a ruler, measuring tape, weighing machine, etc. with an objective to recognize them as measuring instruments.

Prior knowledge assessment was conducted through the use of  an ice cream stick to compare it with objects found in  class.


Introduction of ‘aa’ swar was targeted though a poem. Students understood the directionality and formation of swar ‘aa’ while using water colors where students enjoyed manipulating the brush to form swar ‘aa’.

To hone their listening and thinking skills, a rhyme ‘Mummy ki roti gool gool ‘was introduced to them.

Students were shown  ‘The four princes’ story using audio visuals.

Circle time

As a part of early year skill building program, students focused on:


  • Pounding activity to reinforce wrist manipulation
  • Enhancing fine motor skills by cutting paper along lines/pattern


Dance lessons focused on development of postures during jazz dance routine where students loved to tap their feet to a peppy song.


The students learned and sang ‘Hello to all the children of the world’ and ‘It’s a small world after all’.

Information technology

To further extend their understanding of 2D and 3D shapes, students practiced matching 2D and 3D shapes, colors and number of dots on an object through an educational app on iPad.


‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Browne, a book about a Kenyan girl (Handa) who visited her friend with a basket full of seven different fruits as presents made interesting reading. Along the way to Akeyo’s village, Handa contemplated which fruit Akeyo would like the best. However, each time Handa thought about a certain fruit, an animal popped  took that particular fruit away, like the monkey stole the banana. Unaware that various animals had taken these tropical fruits, Handa continued along her journey. At that point, a goat bumped into a tree and a bunch of tangerines fell into Handa’s basket. Much to Handa’s surprise, tangerines were Akeyo’s favourite fruit. The book had a multicultural themeand incorporated various themes from Africa into one book.


Physical Education

Students are learning beam walk which is a gymnastic skill, thereby developing their lower body strength, body balance, coordination and spatial awareness thereby honing foot placement and body posture.

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